CORSO PRATICO DI PROPOSAL WRITING - 5 e 6 giugno a Roma – Clicca qui per saperne di più!
Innovation Acta is affiliated with Toscana Life Science
Innovation Acta is on the list "Experts for advisory services in writing and managing European R&I projects" handled by ART-ER
Innovation Acta is focused on supporting the planning and execution of EU funding research programs.
We assist private and public organizations, individual researchers and SMEs to obtain grants in multi-national collaboration projects or other funding opportunities.
An integral part of our mission is to support our Clients in the preparation of project applications.
In this process we start with the identification of an appropriate financing strategy and the establishment of a successful Consortium. We then support the drafting of the proposal up to its formal submission. Upon approval of the project, we contribute to the management, communication, as well dissemination strategy of the project and we further assist the Consortium in running all the administrative aspects.
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MoreInnovation Acta helps you to select the best financing strategy to implement your project idea and identify the right partners for Consortium building.
Innovation Acta assists you in the organization and writing of the proposal and takes care of its formal submission.
Innovation Acta's Grant Managers make an independent revision on the project proposal, further checking if it fits with the European call requests, thus increasing the chances of a successful proposal.
Innovation Acta supports the Consortium in the communication and dissemination activities of the project.
Innovation-Acta offers a number of qualified courses on complementary skills on a variety of topics in line with the MSCA guidelines’ suggestion, to support the career development and training of researchers.
Innovation Acta is very experienced in the organization of meetings, scientific events and congresses.
Horizon Europe is a planned 7-year European Union research and innovation programme meant to succeed the current Horizon 2020 program.
Programme’s Pillars
The strategic planning will also cover the widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area.
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.
National MIUR Programme
Innovation Acta S.r.l. | Via delle Province, 1 - 53100 Siena - Italy | VAT number: 13201341008
© 2020 Innovation Acta - All rights reserved
Innovation Acta S.r.l.
VAT number: 13201341008
+39 0577 1652729
+39 366 3746125
Registered office and operational headquarter:
Via delle Province, 1 - 53100 Siena - Italy
Branch office:
Via D.A. Azuni, 9 - 00196 Roma - Italy