Innovation Acta News
Teaching youngsters about the magnificent world of Advanced Therapies
"Thanks to this technology and to the specific fighting capabilities of these cells, extraordinary results have been obtained:
- ▪ The therapy is a new hope for patients who no longer responded to other treatments
- ▪ The therapy seems to have a long-lasting effect after a single application
- ▪ Unlike many other therapies, which benefit only a small portion of the patients,
this therapy works for many patients”.
Commission welcomes political agreement on Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme
The Commission welcomes the political agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on Horizon Europe, the largest transnational programme ever supporting research and innovation. The new EU research and innovation programme will have a budget of around €95.5 billion for 2021-2027 (current prices).
Translate! meeting
Advanced Therapies and translational science go hand in hand. This is why we are looking forward to the next Translate! meeting on 25-26th January 2021, an event jointly organized by the Berlin Institute of Health, Science Translational Medicine and the German Research Foundation.
ADVANCE Online Course
RESTORE is glad to share the launch of our ADVANCE Online Course. ADVANCE is a 30-month EU training project, supported by Erasmus Plus with the objective to develop a 3-stage blended learning programme to support early-career biomedical scientists in developing currently missing scientific knowledge, transversal skills and competences to meet the key challenge areas existing in the ATMP development cycle.
"From possible to accessible" EURORDIS/RARE IMPACT initiative final event
The final event of the EURORDIS/RARE IMPACT initiative entitled “From possible to accessible” will be held on 23 November 2020 (14:00 – 16:00 CET). During the event the RARE IMPACT report: “Challenges and solutions for improving patient access to advanced therapeutic medicinal products at the European level” will be launched and discussed.
Compromise on long-term EU budget: EP obtains €16 billion more for key programmes
After ten weeks of intense negotiations, Parliament’s budget negotiators agreed with the Council Presidency on the outline of an agreement on the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF 2021-2027) and new Own Resources.
Parliament obtained €16 billion on top of the package agreed by heads of state or government at their summit in July.
€15 billion will reinforce flagship programmes to protect citizens from the COVID-19 pandemic, provide opportunities to the next generation, and preserve European values.
€1 billion will increase flexibility to address future needs and crises.
Good Job !!! -
Communication to Horizon 2020 beneficiaries
Horizon Cloud Summit 2020
The Horizon Cloud Summit 2020 aims at gathering researchers and innovators, Cloud stakeholders, as well as Cloud initiatives and projects to be on top of the relevant technology and market developments.
IMI Stakeholder Forum 2020
The IMI Stakeholder Forum 2020 will take place online on Tuesday 10 November as online event. The theme this year is "Broader horizons: growing Europe’s health partnership".
Information Event on Health topics in Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
The event, organized by EURESEARCH, aims to illustrate the topics related to the "Helath" theme in the first calls of Horizon Europe.
MISE Funding
Digital Life Sciences Open Calls
EOSC-Life has launched its first Digital Life Sciences Open Call: A European Open Science Cloud (EOSC-Life) call for projects sharing data, tools and workflows in the cloud.
Fourth Call for Modular Projects
This call is targeted to the programme priority axe 2, S.O.2.1. Energy efficiency inbuildings and S.O.2.2. Renewable Energy for the transfer or mainstreaming of shortlisted outputs of finalised Interreg MED projects.
Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
Fragments of Life: A success in the frontier of medicine becomes a video game
The RESTORE core team is working on a video game to reach out to and inform a younger audience about Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products. Available within the next few weeks for free in the App Store and from Google Play, Fragments of Life follows the life of Ella, a teenager living with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and her treatment journey from initial diagnosis and therapy, relapse and finally her treatment with CAR-T cell therapy.
The game focuses on describing and explaining different aspects of cancer and cancer treatment, in particular CAR T cell therapy. The player is interactively engaged through tasks and mini-games that guide the player through important moments in Ella’s life. CAR-T therapy is a prominent example of breakthroughs in medical care and highlights the future potential held by Advanced Therapies. We hope to educate a new generation of young people about ATMPs and maybe even inspire them to find out more!
ELPA and EU Medical Research Projects booklet
First Transferable Skills Course in Scientific Communication
The fellows had their first Integrata Transferable Skills Course in Scientific Communication in the last couple of days. Unfortunately it couldn't take place in Siena as planned. It was still really effective and a nice experience. Thank you @innacta for organising the course.
— Integrata Marie Curie ITN 🇪🇺 (@integrata) June 11, 2020 -
Bando regionale per progetti di ricerca e sviluppo
Bando Ricerca COVID-19 Toscana
Pubblicata la data di scadenza per la presentazione: 03 luglio 2020
Per la promozione di progetti di ricerca mirati all'identificazione di sistemi di prevenzione, terapie e sistemi di diagnostica e analisi per combattere le infezioni da SARS-CoV-2 e altre emergenze virali che si potrebbero presentare in futuro.
Data di pubblicazione bando su BURT: 03 giugno 2020
Numero e parte del BURT n. 23, supplemento 99 alla parte III
Data di scadenza presentazione domande: 03 luglio 2020 -
Early support for medicine and vaccine developers
The European Medicines Agency encourages developers of potential vaccines or treatments for COVID-19 to contact EMA as soon as possible to discuss their strategy for evidence-generation.
Depending on the maturity of development, EMA will set up initial discussions on suitable mechanisms to fast-track development and approval, with priority given to the most relevant proposals.
New IMI research project on Coronavirus
Covid-19 situation on the ongoing Eu projects
The European Commission answered about some questions related to impact of the current Covid -19 situation on the ongoing Eu projects:
• Possibility to extend the project duration
• Possibility to extend the deadline of due deliverables, milestones and reports
• Eligibility of costs when there are difficulties in implementing the action due to the Covid -19 situation
• Re-direct work in on-going project -
Innovation Acta Newsletter
The Innovation Acta Newsletter - Issue 2 (April 2020) is available for download.
Deadlines for Horizon 2020 calls extended due to the COVID-19 outbreak
The recent escalation of restrictions related to the COVID-19 outbreak may hamper applicants’ ability to prepare and finalise high-quality proposals. For this reason, for Horizon 2020 calls with original deadlines between now and 15 April, extensions will be applied. The precise new deadlines for each call and topic will be published on the call and topic pages on the Funding and Tenders Portal.
For the IMI2-2020-21-01 call, no extension of deadline/cutoff date will apply. The cutoff date for the EIC Accelerator part of call EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 is extended by 48 hours, to Friday 20 March 2020 at 17:00:00 (CET).
Innovation Acta Newsletter
The Innovation Acta Newsletter - Issue 1 (February 2020) is available for download.
RESTORE Momentum Workshop
RESTORE looks forward to welcoming Supporters and Partners to the Momentum Workshop in February 2020!
This one day event will run on Monday 17th February 2020 from 09:30 – 17:30h at the Hotel Moa in Berlin, Germany.Momentum Workshop press release
LiverScreen Kick-off Meeting
LiverScreen Kick-off Meeting
The project kick-off meeting takes places on 17 February 2020, Barcelona, Spain -
HDM-FUN Kick-off Meeting
HDM-FUN Kick-off Meeting
The project kick-off meeting takes places on 12-13 February 2020 - Nijmengen, The Netherlands -
INsTRuCT Kick-off Meeting
INsTRuCT Kick-off Meeting
The project kick-off meeting takes places 27-28 January 2020, Regensburg, Germany -
RESHAPE First Annual Meeting
RESHAPE First Annual Meeting
The project first annual meeting takes places on 23-24 January 2020 - Berlin, Germany -
NECESSITY First General Assembly
NECESSITY First General Assembly
The first project annual meeting takes places on 22-23 January 2020 - Basel, Switzerland -
INTEGRATA Mid Term and Scientific Course
INTEGRATA Mid Term and Scientific Course
The events takes places on 14-17 January 2020 - Genoa, Italy